
Have something to say? Post your comments here. If you have an idea for a topic, let us know, and we can create a thread for it.

15 responses to “Comments”

  1. Mike Doyle says:

    Photo 17/73 Class 4-3.
    The first person in the middle row is Chris Lawson. Standing next to Barbara Voss.

    What a great experience it was to look through all these pictures. It has brought back lots of memories to share at the re-union. I’m looking forward to so much.

  2. Attila Kaszo says:

    What a fantastic effort so far. I had forgotten a lot of people – the pix say it all.

    Re: Mrs Somes. Most will probably remember that I wasn’t a model student or ‘team player’.
    Following a bout of PE during 1965, the genders were relegated to the respective change rooms in those Besser brick constructions. The top level of the building had significantly large air vents fitted into them which allowed great viewing if you got a ‘leg up’ from one of your mates. A couple of fellow conspirators got a view, and then my turn. I managed to get to the vent just as Mrs Somes turned around and looked up. Not a good day for Attila!

  3. Bob Jones says:

    Gerroa – Aboriginal word meaning ‘to hide under the bed’. That’s all I know. Looking forward to catching up with you all and especially with the teachers who I admired the most, is Miss Dennis coming along?

  4. Mike Doyle says:

    I’m sure you must remember a PE lesson where we were being introduced to the athletics field events. I’m pretty sure the PE teacher at the time had a name something like Typhus, we knew him as Typhoid! (No disrespect intended to anyone living or dead who may be related to Typhoid)
    He went through explaining the discus and the shot put and as he reached and grabbed the hand grip on the javelin he was a bit put out because someone had put a “golly” [Spat] on the hand grip.
    He wasn’t too happy about it all and demanded the guilty party own up. Of course that was NOT going to happen, so we all ended up in the detention room after school. After trying all sorts of appeals and ploys to find out who was responsible, he resorted to having us each write the name of who we thought was the person responsible on a piece of paper which he collected.
    Soon after we were all dismissed as it turned out that Mickey Mouse was elected, unanimously as the guilty party.

  5. Deb says:

    I do remember the excusion to Gerroa. How we had trouble on the MacQuarie Pass in the bus because there was a truck coming the other way – we all had to get out of the bus and they finally got past each other, but not without putting a big ding in the bus. We stayed in that old hostel on Gerringong beach. We had a marvellous, magical trip to the Minnamurra rainforest, that has taken me back a few times since. We studied the ecology of sand dunes and rock pools…. That is all I remember 🙂

  6. Paul Kwaczynski says:

    photo 43- Is actually the first eleven, the senior cricket team.

  7. Bob Jones says:

    Image No 8

    Who is the cool dude in the long white walk socks with the clipboard? That’s a real good look even 40 years on.

  8. Peter Scott says:

    I remember the trap door! You were lucky Atila that you did not ignite the cobwebs! Luckily for you I too had a good school life (as a Lab. Prefect at Randwick Boys in Sydney) friends and I were the explosive experts at my school and was threatened with expulsion on the day one of my rockets set fire to the school. You will be pleased to know that I continued that tradition (did you remember me making and igniting gunowder at WHS? filled the entire quad!) up until I retired in 2008 (and I still have my extended lab at home waiting for by grandson to grow into it). I regularly set off the alarms(with full evacuation) at my last school..Anglican Grammar in Brisbane.


    Dr Scott

  9. Derek Jones says:

    I’ve really enjoyed looking at old photos from Watson High School and the class of 1969 and am interested if anything similar happened with the class of 1970.
    I attended Watson High School from 1965 to 1970 but left Canberra in early 1971 and lost contact with all but one of my fellow students.
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

  10. Alan Latimer says:

    Image 69, person next to Peter Searly with question mark is Alan Latimer.

  11. Paul Levier says:

    I have permanently stored in my memory bank, 20 May 2017, which was the date of the Watson High School Reunion I was advised of this reunion by Attila Kaszo, who was not only a close school friend but is my closest life friend. I was absolutely amazed by the distances some ex-students travelled to attend the reunion. Inwardly, I felt so very emotional that my teeth and jaw is still sore from clenching it but It did stop me from shedding any tears.

    After a 52 year absence from nearly all of the attendees, it was such a fantastic experience to wind back the years of time to an era of when we were all young adults. There is so much I would love to write here, but my eyes are welling up and the screen has become blurry.

    However, before I sign off, I wish to express my most sincere gratitude and appreciation to all those wonderful human beings who have, and, who are instrumental in organising the reunions. It is because of your fantastic thoughtfulness and efforts that ex-students like me feel the most exciting emotion, apart from witnessing the birth of one’s child. I am so very grateful to have been present at the 2017 Watson High School Reunion.

  12. Mick Deutsch says:

    The 1970 WHS starters are having a reunion of sorts at the Dickson Tradies club (ex-WHS Rob DOcker runs it) November 18th 6:30 PM. I*nformal is the order of the day so please turn up any who have an interest.

    We would particularly love if some teachers could be contacted and informed of it – even at this late hour.

    I would certainly appreciate that – as I believe would all the motley crew planning to attend.

    All the best – Mick
    P.S I worked with Faye (the blonde Faye) for 25+ years – a wonderful lady.
    I don’t recall us ever discovering we were both WHS escapees!

  13. Mick Deutsch says:

    The 1970 starters plan to make a “last weekend in October” yearly get together at Dickson Tradies. All welcome.

  14. Margaret Morrison says:

    I have just discovered this site and have spent some time enjoying all the photos and comments. Thank you to the organisers for the time involved in putting it all together.
    I was at WHS from 1965 until 1970, the same time as you Derek and at Downer Primary beforehand.
    I left Canberra in 1979 and moved to Sydney and have lost touch with everyone.
    Would love to be kept informed of any get togethers.
    I’m in a couple of the historical photos:
    #53 Athletics 1967 1st left front row; and
    #66 Girls netball 1968 far right front row.
    Wonder the same as Derek if anyone from 1970 class is as active as the 1969 class?

  15. Michael Chapman says:

    Hi,11th July 2024.I attended Watson High School from its inception in 1965 and went through to 6th form in 1970.I past the Highe r School Certificate but yeh I could’ve done better.I gained entry into uni at Armidale and the old Canberra Advanced College of Education now the Canberra University.I began studying accountancy at the College in Canberra but I soon realised that profession wasn’t for me.After a short time working for my father in a fuel depot in Lismore NSW I took up a carpentry and joinery apprenticeship in Canberra.I enjoy E d my apprenticeship becoming a qualified tradesman in1976. I have worked in the building industry since until I sort of retired in 2022.I currently live on the north coast of NSW at Lennox Head.Would love to hear of any planned reunions of our year keeping in mind that2025 represents 55 years since we completed high school.Cheers Michael Chapman.

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